File Base Configuration for connecting to Multiple DB

If you have a project that you need requires connections to multiple databases, you can support that by using file based configuration.

By default, configuration file is named .sqlxrc.json and sqlx-ts will try to find a file with this name, unless you give it a custom path to override it using --config CLI option.

$ sqlx-ts --config <path to a custom .sqlxrc.json>

Example sqlxrc.json

  "generate_types": {
    "enabled": true,
    "convertToCamelCaseColumnName": true
  "connections": {
    "default": {
      "DB_TYPE": "mysql",
      "DB_USER": "root",
      "DB_HOST": "",
      "DB_PORT": 3306
    "postgres": {
      "DB_TYPE": "postgres",
      "DB_USER": "postgres",
      "DB_PASS": "postgres",
      "DB_HOST": "",
      "DB_PORT": 4321,
      "PG_SEARCH_PATH": "public,myschema"
    "some_other_db": {
      "DB_TYPE": "mysql",
      "DB_USER": "app_user",
      "DB_PASS": "password",
      "DB_HOST": "",
      "DB_PORT": 3307

(required) "connections"

For default database, you must call it default like example above. Any extra DB connections should have its own unique name such as postgres or some_other_db

Along with the configuration above, when writing SQLs in your codebase, you need to provide supportive comment in your raw SQL, indicate which database the query should point.

For example,

import { sql } from 'sqlx-ts'

// targets the default DB
const defaultDbSQL = sql`SELECT * FROM test;`
// targets the config with the name `postgres`
const postgresSQL = sql`
 -- @db: postgres
 SELECT * FROM other_table;

Supported fields of each connection include


  "generateTypes: {
    enabled: true|false,
    convertToCamelCaseColumnName: true|false
  "connections": {

Support for configuration of generate types operations.

  • enabled (default: false): enables type generation via config
  • convertToCamelCaseColumnName (default: true): when generating field name based on table's column name, it will automatically cast to camelCase in TypeScript